Secured Dedicated Internet Access

Enjoy a connection that is hardened against Internet‑borne threats. Our dedicated and agile Internet connection is fully managed in‑house so your operations can continue unhindered.

Customisable Bandwidth

Enjoy a consistent bandwidth that is scalable up to 10Gbps.

Consistent Availability

Your operations will be up and running with our 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Sophisticated Security

Your business remains protected no matter what with our advanced security system.

We Make Sure Your Connection Is Secured

Enterprise-grade Internet

Enterprise-grade Internet

  • Dedicated Internet access with a contention ratio of 1:1
  • Symmetrical upload & download speeds
High Availability

High Availability

  • Service level guarantee of up to 99.9%
  • Mean Time To Respond within 15 minutes
  • Mean Time To Repair within 4 hours
Guaranteed Protection

Guaranteed Protection

  • Active security operation centre
  • 24/7 monitoring with optimised threat detection
  • Virtual firewall management
  • Volumetric DDoS mitigation
Advanced Network

Advanced Network

  • Self‑healing network design
  • Guaranteed bi‑directional bandwidth
  • MEF 3.0 certified

Let's Talk

Facing challenges? Let's turn those into opportunities together.
