Create the Right Multicloud Strategy For You

As your business grows, you may find yourself seeking the right combination of best‑of‑breed cloud capabilities to support it. Our multicloud solution allows you to build applications and split workloads between your clouds at greater speed.

Minimum Downtime

High availability on a robust infrastructure with 24/7 support.


Greater compliance with national data sovereignty laws and industry‑specific regulations.

Direct Connection

Direct access to leading global cloud service providers.

Robust Security

Comprehensive security with actionable intelligence for business resiliency.

No Hidden Charges

Dedicated network with no hidden charges for data transfer.

Enable Your Multicloud Strategy with Our Products

Public Cloud

Spin up virtual servers and migrate workloads to a highly secured hyperscale cloud ecosystem.

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On-premise Private Cloud

Set up your own on‑premise cloud that is built, deployed and managed by us.

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Direct Cloud Connectivity

Enjoy faster, more reliable and highly‑secured connections to major global cloud service providers.

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Cloud Backup and Recovery

Backup your data with ease via a customisable, cloud‑based replication and backup solution.

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Cloud Management

Quickly enable on‑premise private clouds, centralise public cloud access and orchestrate change.

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Cloud Managed Services

Our experts can help you keep things running and figure out ways to maximise the benefits of cloud.

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Cloud Professional Services

Our team of professionals can help with end‑to‑end cloud migration and business‑specific cloud solutions.

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Virtual Router

Simplify your network configuration with our fully managed NFVi services.

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Additional Offerings to Further Enhance Your Multicloud Strategy

Advanced Security Monitoring

Advanced Security Monitoring

Bolster your business’ defences with a dedicated security operation centre that keeps sophisticated threats at bay.

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Virtual Firewall

Virtual Firewall

Enjoy hassle‑free, enterprise‑grade network security with our easily deployable and scalable managed virtual firewall.

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Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall

Protect your hosted web applications from attacks with an advanced, multi-layered detection solution.

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Advanced DDoS Protection

Advanced DDoS Protection

Stop DDoS attacks and avoid costly downtime with up to Layer 7 application protection.

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Data Centre

Data Centre

Ensure secure and successful cloud deployments within our hyperscale facilities.

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Check Out Other Solutions to Drive Your Digitalisation Forward

Cloud for Business Continuity

Cloud for Business Continuity

Protect your critical data and applications from losses and damages with our business continuity solution.

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Converged Network

Converged Network

Elevate your cloud-first strategy to greater heights with a robust and high-performance network.

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Let's Talk

Facing challenges? Let's turn those into opportunities together.
